I dropped the topic of smoking cessation a bit, although there were still plenty of articles in the plan, from informant to personal experience. In the fall of 2017, it will be three years since I quit smoking, which is probably why I stopped remembering this habit, although in the first months the desire to share the greatest joy never left me. Overall, I decided to finish what I started, especially as there will soon be new cycles related to health and self-development. I have already achieved something, I will achieve something in parallel with the readers. I very much hope that in recent years I have started to write a little better, which means that more and more articles will be seen by people for whom they will be useful.
Many people started their quit smoking with Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking".Why buy when you can just read online or download from torrents? That's your right, but I'm still for legal methods, except that you will spend even a small amount of money, you will have a great incentive to read the book to the end. I will write about buying or stealing a book at the end of the article. And now I would like to talk a little about the methods described in this book.
When you first get Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" it looks like it's in the bag, now you're reading a smart book and life will improve. The promised way is easy, which means you do not have to work at all. It could be so. Some managed to give up their bad habit of reading to the end. Unfortunately, the habit returned to many after a short time. And all because they did not read carefully, fluently and not thoughtfully, relying on Russian perhaps. By the way, the author of the book is a stranger, so you should not rely on a 100% hit.
I wrote in a separate article about other books on the same topic that will help you get rid of other bad habits. Do not flatter yourself with the hope that quitting smoking will solve all your problems. In fact, you will only start on the path of self-improvement with confidence in your abilities.
What is the magic of Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking? Is it really in a particular writing style? Certainly not. The book helps to reflect on your habit. Shows the real face of the enemy, without fear of horror stories about various wounds threatening the smoker, for whom there is already a lot of material on the net (in the article: "harm from smoking in the human body" - I tried to find out thistopic as much as possible, without unnecessary horror stories). Allen calls smoking just an imposed need, thanks to which you spend a lot of money to enrich corporations. Just think that the state does not want to impose a complete ban on smoking, although it can, the church does not say anything about smoking, although it would be worth it - they just need smokers. Dying early, sick people who pay an extra tax on their right to voluntary destruction die.
In the simplest way to quit smoking, Allen Carr points out that there is basically nothing to quit smoking, you do not give up something important and useful, you just stop paying corporations by killing yourself. Remember, as a kid, you did not need to smoke after dinner to get extra pleasure, you did not need to light a cigarette while talking to friends, you felt good right after bed. Cigarettes, according to Allen, and it is difficult to discuss with him, all this takes away from the smoker, whose life consists of two periods: the desire to smoke and smoking - the only pleasure becomes the satisfaction of his need fornicotine, which immediately rises again, it is worth throwing away the butt. The most amazing thing is that by taking your life out of smoking, you will save yourself from the need to consume it, d. m. th. if you stop smoking, you will stop wanting to smoke.

The book is written in a fairly simple and accessible language and has been translated with high quality, so reading it is not only useful but also enjoyable. So feel free to buy its electronic or paper version if the smoking issue has not been resolved yet.
Who and why helps reading Allen Carr's book
First, the book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" will help those who will really quit this habit. I am seriously tuned in and am asking for help wherever possible, for example, I personally used the book as an additional source of motivation as well as an opportunity to shift attention from smoking to something else.
According to statistics, about 80% of Allen Carr readers quit smoking. But do not think that everyone is so weak in character, and that the writer is a great mystic and hypnotist. People just start thinking and sooner or later come to the conclusion that quitting smoking is really easy. "In fact, there is nothing to throw away" - so Carr likes to express in his book, all you need to do is stop being subjected to daily torture and poisoning. And to leave, you can pay corporations to ruin your health.
So, smoking is not acquired by people with weak minds, with light hearts, but, on the contrary, by thinking clearly and caring for the health of themselves and their children. A high percentage can not help but rejoice - it means that the world is not crazy yet and most people still know how to sensitively assess the situation. And even if I, and people like me, did not quit ONM thanks to the book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking", but it was not without it.
Why Buy Allen Carr Book
I came across a theory that the smoking cessation method does not work until you pay for it. Here is caused a subconscious trigger, struck as a child, according to which nothing is given for free and for free, for example, the principle of the proverb "you can not easily pull a fish out of a pond. "It is very possible that I, like many others, was once exposed to this effect, because the first time they gave me the book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" friends who wanted to help, respectively, I did not seeany effect from the book. In the same way, the pills, with which at least half of the former smokers quit, did not work at the right time because I also got the first pack for free. As a result, the smoking cessation process dragged on for five long years from 2009 to 2014. However, I will tell my story one more time.
Among other things, as a legal blogger advocating compliance with the law and the "start with yourself" principle, you are simply not willing to give advice on theft. On the other hand, I believe that every work after the death of the author should become the property of the public. So decide for yourself, the main thing is not to read online. Most likely, a reading of the book will not be enough, so it is always good to have it on hand for any new endeavor.
For example, it took me three whole readings, the last one being more of a distraction from the urge to smoke, but extremely effective. I read that I could smoke at any time, I had a pack of cigarettes against all the advice, I knew I could give up my plans at any moment, the stronger and more secure I became in my desire to quitquit smoking. My assertions, my motivations, and Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking, " downloaded for a penny, also worked. Even if the method was not easier, the goal was achieved and the next step was taken.